Thursday, February 20, 2014

I have a weird fixation on tatting with black thread and peacock colored sead beeds, though tbh, even though when I buy them they're always labeled "peacock" or "carnival", but I think they actually remind a lot more of iridescent jewel beetle wings than anything else. But maybe craft suppliers don't call them that because most people thick all bugs= icky and not some bugs= pretty neat. I made a long split ring chain just using these and the same simple 4-4/4-4 pattern, not sure what sort of pendant I'll put on it but I really like making tatted chains, they're lighter than metal chains so it's great if you like layering necklaces buuuut they cost like, three times as much to make. They go through about 6$ worth of thread and 3$ worth of beads, making the cost of producing a tatted necklace chain to 9$+ the, y'know, six hours of tatting it takes to make them lol. As compared to y'know, that I can buy enough chain for 9$ to make four necklaces and it takes me like, 10 minutes tops to make a simple pendant necklace. So it's def. not the method you want to use to keep costs low.

pictured above: in progress of a tatted collar/choker I am working on. Rarely do I ever make shorter necklaces because I like wearing my necklaces nice and long so I can just pull them over my head and layer a few of them together... so this one will be headed to the shop as soon as I can. finish it. woo hoo.

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