Sunday, July 7, 2013

doll custom post #3

I have no pictures for this update, right now I am just working on sand, sanding, sanding. I must say that while smoothing out the doll faces, I didn't get any "resin smell", but as I sanded down the chest piece to the torso, I've noticed that even though I sand completely submerged in water in a well ventilated room while wearing a face mask, I can still smell the the highly toxic resin dust, which I shouldn't, be cause the dust is all under water. :l

I'm pretty sure this is just my extreme sensitivity to chemical odors (I get nauseous just from using a sharpie for a few seconds) but it still feels kind of worrying. I'd go outside to sand but it's too hot and I will def. get sick if I do that, so I will just deal w/ resin smell because i know all the dust is going in the water.

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