Tuesday, September 10, 2013

kids these days

Yesterday I was harassed quite unfabulously by a craft store employee who told me that I had to be over eighteen in order to buy paint, because "kids my age" use paint to deface public property. Which would have been logical if I were buying spray paint, but I wasn't. I was buying water color paint, the expensive artist brand that costs like 50$ (and yes, I obviously used a 60% off any one regular priced item coupon. I'm not dumb) and come in a tiny box. Clearly, people are going to use that to deface buildings because clearly, we've all seen teenagers in gansta rap hoodies on the side of a building holding a container of water in one hand and gently brushing the side of the wall with a small brush in the other. I didn't have my ID so I just went to the back and gave the manager a stern talking to about how it is ridiculous to profile people based on age, that nobody uses expensive artist watercolor to do graffiti, and that I am in fact, over twenty years old and I demand to be treated the same as every other adult who walks into their store even if I look like a douchey hipster. I also enjoyed buying a nice big pad of water color paper for 5$, even though I prefer a heavier weight paper, 30 pages for 5$ is a pretty sweet deal.

I now have my paint.

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