Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I will say it a million times, I absolutely hate the college system and the way that local colleges treat students in medical internship programs. They'll treat you like dirt, screw you out of your money, and when you don't like it, the response is "we don't care if you don't like it" and "you are expendable". They treat students badly and get away with it because they're the only option within 50 miles. If you don't like it, fuck you, and fuck your dreams and fuck your money and fuck your dignity, because we don't give a fuck. If it were any other industry, these people would be absolutely out-of-fucking business for these malpractices, but they're not because every student is too scared to say anything because the college has your balls in a vice. Well, I'm taking mine out of the vice and throwing them in the administrator's face because I when I want something, I better damn well get it. I don't command respect, I command. End of the line.