The thing is that I more or less forget that this blog even exists. I just do all my silly blogging over my deviantart account and totally forget that I have an actual blog that is meant for blogging purposes. This has happened to me like, four times. I just have so many abandoned blogs because I just end up saying whatevs on deviantart.... I'm trying, truly, I am. I am mostly posting about my adventures here because it was one hell of an adventure.
Well, I got to meet Anne Rice, and no, I'm not kidding. Anne Rice actually came to the itsy bitsy town that I live in to do a book signing. Honestly, half of the people there I am entirely sure were not from my town. I keep hearing a lot of british accents in town lately, why would so many british people want to visit upstate new york? "Oh wow, we're from some place dark and rainy, better go take a vacation to a place that is slightly less dark and rainy but still extremely depressing". Apparently, Anne Rice's publishers are the ones calling the shots on where she goes, and while I have no idea why they'd ever want to come here, I am eternally grateful that they did.
Don't worry, it came with a 26$ hardcover book so really, quite the deal.
What bothered me during the Q&A was all of the people with their fucking dslrs and ipads and cameras holding their hands up for AN ENTIRE HOUR. Look guys, Anne Rice and her son were answering questions while seated in chairs. Do you need 200 pictures of that? Take one and sit the fuck down and get your huge camera out of the way. It's bad enough that I've always been short and stuck sitting behind tall people. I did not go there two hours early to stand in line, to get a good seat in the second row, just to have some fuckass with a dslr hold up their camera and block my entire line of vision for an hour. Other than rude people, it was fantastic. Both Anne Rice and her son are really great speakers and the q&A panel was a lot of fun, especially since the audience asked some silly questions and got fun answers.
After that, there was a book signing, I wasn't sure if we'd be allowed to bring older books to sign, since I really wanted to have my copy of the vampire lestat signed since it's a book that has a lot of sentimental value to me. But I brought my copy anyways, just in case we did, and we could! Which made me very happy. Anne Rice is very kind and signed everyone's books, even the books of those people who brought 30+ (no not a joke, more than one person brought that many for her to sign) books. I felt less bad having her sign two, but even still, she's very kind to have signed so many books. I am always a bit nervous, no thanks to my constantly malfunctioning thyroid gland, but I was super nervous to go. Probably because that is Anne Rice, who is truly amazing brilliant and I am...kind of a silly gothic jackass. I was perpetually afraid that I might say something totally stupid but I kept myself composed and just thanked her quickly for writing a book that was really helped me get through some awful points in my life.