Saturday, July 27, 2013

I did not check to see if my doll has enough resin in her torso to carve something into it and now I am looking at a bit of a problem and now I am also ordering a lot more epoxy. I'm not giving up on the mod I had in mind I just like, have to find a new way to do it. 

Monday, July 22, 2013


Looking through blogger's widgets and I am amused, because they put in all these neat options to add in random pictures of puppy, or scantily clad women. You can even put in a little counter to show people what your current weight is. (What the fuck is that even used for? Who the fuck would care?) But the widget I am looking for I can't find.

I will probably have to learn how to make widgets happen. Right now I am trying to learn needle tatting and tbh, I think I am doing pretty damn good. I've done a few basic edgings which makes me proud because I mostly wanted to learn tatting for the sake of making some cute lace to put on doll clothes.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

doll custom post #3

I have no pictures for this update, right now I am just working on sand, sanding, sanding. I must say that while smoothing out the doll faces, I didn't get any "resin smell", but as I sanded down the chest piece to the torso, I've noticed that even though I sand completely submerged in water in a well ventilated room while wearing a face mask, I can still smell the the highly toxic resin dust, which I shouldn't, be cause the dust is all under water. :l

I'm pretty sure this is just my extreme sensitivity to chemical odors (I get nauseous just from using a sharpie for a few seconds) but it still feels kind of worrying. I'd go outside to sand but it's too hot and I will def. get sick if I do that, so I will just deal w/ resin smell because i know all the dust is going in the water.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

doll custom blog #2- sanding extravaganza.

Mapping out where all them eyes go. I feel as though I'm gonna need a power drill or the paitience of sanding through the thick resin of her forehead. Whoever recasted this one really didn't skimp out on making her head solid! This is going to take a long time!

I'm still wet sanding w/ 800 grit on Ariel. I've got a lot of her smoothed out, and the gashes aren't so deep, they will just take a lot of smoothing out. Her lips def. need reshaping. 

No pics of An or Chloe yet. Chloe, I decided is going to be an Emilie Autumn look alike.